Group Programs

RiverRun knows the importance of learning together for our development, as well as the sense of community this can bring for our children and young people, as well as their families. So we offer two options for learning together…pairs and small groups.


Pairs Sessions

For some children and young people, learning in a big peer group may not be their next best learning space, yet they may still need to be learning alongside their peers. What we have found through 2021 is that working in pairs to achieve our goals provides a social element to learning and stretches the child’s comfort zone, without making the space too overwhelming. We have had great success with this model in 2021 and will be continuing to provide pairs sessions into next year. These pairings are made with careful planning and consideration from the Occupational Therapists and so are most often made either with children and young people who are currently working with our OTs, or those who have completed an assessment/getting to know you phase with us. These sessions are organised based on need, so please contact us, or let your current therapist know if you are interested!


Group Programs


In 2023 we have a jam packed group program that will hopefully have something to suit you and your child/young person. While most of our groups are run from our main clinic space at 108 High St Woodend, some of our new programs for this year will be run out in the community, as well as from our brand new “Hangout” space (designed for parents and young people).


What is involved?

Our groups are typically run with 4-6 children or young people. Group sessions are facilitated by an Occupational Therapist and either a second Occupational Therapist, a Registered Music Therapist, or an Allied Health Assistant. Student Occupational Therapists may also pop in and out from time to time.

Our groups are facilitated in a 1:2 or a 1:3 ratio so that every child can get the support that they need to thrive in the group space and beyond.

Each group program, alongside the peer sessions, includes individual goal setting, caregiver resources and supports, and a summary of your child’s progress and recommendations for ongoing supports if needed.


Who can join a group?

Based on our experience of running groups, we find that the children and/or young people get the most out of the sessions when they have an established relationship with RiverRun. This also allows us to place participants with peers that we think will be a good match for their skills, personality, and therapeutic goals. Because of this, we accept participants into our groups that have already been working with one of our Occupational Therapists, our Music Therapist, our Allied Health Assistant, or who have completed a full initial assessment/getting to know you phase of 4-6 sessions (depending on the child/young person and their needs). If you are not yet engaged with RiverRun, however are interested in one of our group programs, please contact us and we will discuss options with you.


What is Running in 2024?

Let’s Play! – Play and Social Connection for Kinder Kids

These play based group sessions include a combination of facilitator led and child led play experiences, and aim to support both play and social skill development. This group program will also include a high level of support for caregivers, which may include caregivers being involved in the play sessions, or in separate caregiver sessions, as well as the provision of resources to support you in developing your child’s skills at home. The exact structure of the group will be based on the needs of the participants involved, but safe to say this will be fun for everyone!


Together We Be – Social Connection for Grades 2-4


Blast Off! – Social Connection for Grades Prep and 1

Our social groups for these two age groups are primarily play based. Each session has a connection activity (to support tuning into and connecting with others), a structured activity (aimed at supporting one of many social skills), and free play time. This free play time enables our facilitators to support the children’s social skills and play in as natural an environment as possible. This allows for meaningful learning in a way that suits the way each child naturally plays and seeks to engage with others.


The Music in Me – Regulation and Social Connection for Grades Prep and 1

At this age, we are learning to develop our ability to tune into ourselves, and tune into others. This helps us to regulate our emotions, energy levels, and attention, and to connect with others in play and relationships in a meaningful way. This group aims to develop emotional and arousal regulation skills, as well as social connection skills through the use of music and play.

This group will also provide a caregiver session at the end of the program and access to a collection of caregiver resources to support transitioning the skills the children have been learning into their daily lives, and to support caregivers in their role in developing regulation and social connection skills with their children.


Move It! – Social Connection for Grades 4 and 5

These group sessions are sport and physical activity based. For our young people that like to move and have an interest in sports, this is a fantastic way that we can help to develop the skills of regulation, tuning in to each other, team work and cooperation, and other associated social and emotional skills. Despite the fact that these sessions are using gross motor skills, the focus is not on physical skill development, but rather on social and emotional skill development, through an interest area of our young people. These sessions will be run out in the local community, utilising football ovals, cricket nets, tennis courts, basketball courts, playgrounds, skate parks, and other areas that you, your child, and their friends could easily access outside of sessions. These sessions will be run by an Occupational Therapist with a strong background in sport coaching.


Shifting Gears (Term 3 and 4)

**Calling all Grade 6-ers! ** This is our high school transition group that will help to prepare your child for the smoothest possible start to year 7.

Term three will have a focus on social and emotional skills to support the development of new friendships, and how to maintain friendships from primary school that will not be at the same school next year. This will also involve developing an understanding of our own emotional needs in an unfamiliar space, and what we can do to notice and support that.

Term 4 will have a focus on the organisational and practical skills involved in making the transition, such as reading and understanding timetables, will I be handwriting or typing at high school?, what do I do if the uniform is uncomfortable?, back packing and moving classrooms, what do I play at break times when there is no playground?, what tools do I need to succeed in the classroom?, and how do I find help at high school? amongst other things.

This group will provide a report including recommendations for the high school to best support this transition period, as well as resources for the caregivers. If you think your child would benefit from Term 3, Term 4, or both, please get in touch so that we can save you a space.



This is our transition group for all of our children heading off to Prep next year. This group focuses on assessing the skills that are optimal for a smooth transition, including sensory processing, attention and concentration, fine and gross motor skills, social and play skills, help seeking, self-care skills, and daily routines. This group trials multiple strategies and scenarios to determine what works best to support your child, and provides a report that you can supply to school with all of our recommendations. This group also provides resources for caregivers to support this transition period from home, and can be paired with an observation assessment at their current kindergarten if needed.


Get in Touch!

If any of these groups are just what you need, please let us know your interest using the form below, as spots are limited!

If you would like any more information on the groups, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at


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