Music Therapy

What is Music Therapy?

Music therapy is a research-based allied health profession in which music is used to actively support people as they aim to improve their health, functioning and well-being. It can help people of all ages to manage their physical and mental health and enhance their quality of life… Registered Music Therapists are not only skilled musicians, they are trained in understanding the effects music experiences can have on behaviours, feelings, thoughts and actions.

Music has been used to support health and wellbeing for thousands of years, and music continues to be an integral part of life for many people and communities around the world. As an allied health discipline, Music therapy is facilitated by Registered Music Therapists who have completed an AMTA™ accredited tertiary course (typically at a Masters level) and who engage in continuing professional development (CPD) related to the following competency standards: music skills, psychosocial knowledge, clinical knowledge, music therapy knowledge and music therapy skills.

RMTs utilise a combination of musical and therapeutic skills to support people with diverse goals related to their development, functioning, health, and wellbeing. This can include physical, emotional, cognitive, and/or social goals, as well as other holistic or specific goals relevant to the individual and their community.

Although there are many therapeutic processes occurring under the surface, music therapy sessions are set up to feel enjoyable and playful, rather than explicitly clinical or health focussed. Participants are not required to have any musical skills, as we can tailor methods and activities to suit their interests and the musical experiences they feel comfortable with.


Is Music Therapy for me?

Music therapy may be particularly relevant for your child/young person if…

  • They are motivated by music and/or generally enjoy music;
  • They require a holistic therapeutic approach that addresses a diverse set of goals;
  • They are nervous about the idea of going to therapy;
  • They have had difficulty engaging with other forms of therapy; and/or
  • Additional input is required to complement existing therapy supports


How can Music Therapy help my child?

The inherent qualities of music can be used to engage multiple domains of health and development, and music therapy methods can be adapted to focus on broad or specific goal areas. This may include (but is not limited to):



          Cognitive flexibility and creative problem solving

          Attention and impulse control

          Working memory

          Learning and academic skills


          Speech and non-spoken communication

          Physical speech functions (e.g. breath control, producing sounds, articulating words)

          Receptive communication (e.g. interpreting statements, understanding instructions)

          Expressive communication (e.g. making choices, expressing wants and needs)

          Social interactions and different communication styles


          Identifying and understanding different emotions

          Processing difficult emotions or experiences

          Expressing and communicating emotions 

          Emotional regulation and shifting between different moods and energy levels

          Wellbeing and quality of life

Personal and Community

          Environmental awareness and safety

          Self-expression and identity development


          Social engagement and connection

          Creative play

          Cultural connection and expression

          Co-regulation (physical and emotional)


          Fine motor skills

          Gross motor skills

          Body awareness

          Sensory processing and regulation

          Pain management (in combination with other supports)


If your child needs support in an area not listed here, music therapy may still be a relevant therapeutic option. For more information, please contact RiverRun PTS or visit the Australian Music Therapy Association’s™ website: